Gautam Group Of Colleges

Hamirpur (H.P.)

Meritorious Students Receiving Gold Medals From Sh. Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Hon'ble Vice President of India
Dr. Rajneesh Gautam Principal Cum Secretary
Meritorious Students Receiving Gold Medals From Sh. Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Hon'ble Vice President of India
Shri Jai Ram Thakur, Hon'ble Chief Minister Himachal Pradesh

Sexual Harassment Committee Members

This Committee of the following member to hereby constituted to stop the Sexual Harrasment in the College Campus.
Sr. No. Name Designation Contact No./Email
1 Prof.(Dr.) Indu Bala Presiding Officer (A.P. Physics) 9419193750
2 Dr. Vinay Kumar Member (A.P. Deptt. of Botany) 9816367547
3 Mrs. Reeta Kumari Member (Librarian) 8894144453
4 Mr Ranbir Singh Member (Supdt.) 9459459398
5 Mr Karan Dev Member (Advocate) -
6 Mis Jyoti Member (Student) -
7 Miss Himani Member (Student) -
8 Mr Manoj Member (Student) -